4 Steps to Context Clues
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will apply independent fix-it strategies to new/unknown words.
  • Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of new/unknown words using word parts, sounds, context, and a dictionary.

Active Listening
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will acquire active listening skills.
  • Students will apply active listening skills to a text or interest story read-aloud.
  • Students will apply active listening skills to a discussion about the text or interest story.
  • Students will rate their own listening skills using the Good Listening Rubric.

Boost My Reading Skills in Paper and Digital Print
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will apply blended learning strategies to paper and digital print to increase reading comprehension.
  • Students will apply blended learning strategies to paper and digital print to improve their reading, writing, and vocabulary.

Choice and Decision-Making in Web Navigation
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will apply independent decision-making to develop time and attention to surfing on the internet.
  • Students will develop a sense of timing when using multiple applications and searching multiple sites on the World Wide Web.

Clunks and Clues
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will develop fix-up strategies to apply to new/unknown words.
  • Students will use context clues to understand new/unknown words.
  • Students will apply knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes to determine new/unknown words.

Code Switching Between Paper and Digital Print
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will apply dual language strategies to remember critical information when reading digital print.
  • Students will apply dual language strategies to comprehend and synthesize printed and digital information.

Critical Literacy: Alternative Text and Synthesis
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will drive an informational quest to synthesize information.
  • Students will pull combine to form a conclusion.
  • Students will think broadly about text and apply an alternative text approach using character substitution.

Dealing With Digital Distractors
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will use appropriate decisions to know what distractors are, and how to avoid then when reading digital print.
  • Students will make decisions about distractors when reading and researching with digital print.

Digital Distractors: What to Avoid, What to Not Avoid
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will identify distractors when surfing on the Internet.
  • Students will apply knowledge of distractors to a sense of timing for effective and efficient web navigation and digital reading.
  • Students will increase digital reading comprehension and memory by identifying and avoiding distractors.

Effective Web Navigation
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will apply knowledge of conventions and concepts of digital print.
  • Students will deepen their reading comprehension with effective reading of digital print.

Frayer for Comprehension
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will summarize information after an independent read of text.
  • Students will apply new information to their own lives and articulate its relevancy to the text.
  • Students will identify the main idea of a chunk of text and articulate its meaning to their own lives.

Highlighting and Annotating for Understanding
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will highlight and annotate information pertinent to the main idea of the text.
  • Students will articulate the main idea of a text by analyzing and synthesizing highlighted and annotated sections.

I Spy Writing Activity
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will carry on dialogue with the by responding to objects around the room.
  • Students will listen and follow single-step directions from peers.
  • Students will write and solve one problem based on peer dialogue.

Inferences to Evidence
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will infer information from a text.
  • Students will gather and evaluate evidence from a text.
  • Students will apply logic and questioning to make evidence-based conclusions.

Know, Want to Know, Learned
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will understand how to complete a KWL form after reading a short selection of text.
  • Students will apply a KWL strategy to a reading selection.

Literature Webbing
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will organize information from a guided reading into a literature web.
  • Students will make predictions about an upcoming reading.
  • Students will identify main idea.
  • Students will identify chronological order of events.

Literature Webbing and Writing
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will organize information from a guided reading into a literature web.
  • Students will make predictions.
  • Students will identify main idea and write about it using the literature web.
  • Students will identify chronological order of events.

Managing Time When Reading
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will independently time themselves when reading online print to be able to make effective decisions when researching.
  • Students will scan and surf the internet efficiently and successfully by applying self-timing strategies.
  • Students will set goals and purposes for reading.

Managing Time When Reading Digitally
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will make effective decisions when reading and researching online.
  • Students will apply self-timing strategies when reading digital print and multi-media.

Marzano's 1-4 for Vocabulary
Grades 3-5

Learning Targets:

  • Students will investigate terms related to new vocabulary words.
  • Students will describe and explain new vocabulary.
  • Students will restate sentences in their own words using new terms.