Evidence-Based ESOL Classroom Strategies Grades K-5
Teacher Professional Learning


  • Understand the needs of ESOL students and the outcomes needed for language development.
  • Analyze and plan with a variety of classroom methods and materials.
  • Discuss and incorporate evidence-based strategies into classrooms.

Hours: 10

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) for Grades K-5
Teacher Professional Learning

Course Objectives:

  • Examine proactive, age-appropriate strategies for creating a positive and reward ing classroom environment.
  • Develop an understanding of triggering events and how to remove them from the classroom environment.
  • Practice new skills that seek to replace behavioral problems with positive reinforcement through a reward system.
  • Leverage clear, age-appropriate rewards for appropriate student classroom behaviors.

Hours: 10

Positive Behavioral Supports (PBS) for Grades 9-12
Teacher Professional Learning

Course Objectives:

  • Examine proactive, age-appropriate strategies for creating a positive and reward ing classroom environment.
  • Develop an understanding of triggering events and how to remove them from the classroom environment.
  • Practice new skills that seek to replace behavioral problems with positive reinforcement through a reward system.
  • Leverage clear, age-appropriate rewards for appropriate student classroom behaviors.

Hours: 10

Generative AI and The Science of Reading in Grades 6-12
Teacher Professional Learning

Course Objectives:

  • Leverage the use of AI tools with Science of Reading pedagogy in grades PK through 6.
  • Examine and discuss evidence-based classroom practices that utilize AI to achieve SOR objectives.
  • Adopt and adapt a multi-sensory curriculum with the help of AI tools to integrate evidence-based teaching and learning practices.

Hours: 10

Early Literacy: Teaching Phonological Awareness and Phonics
Teacher Professional Learning

Course Objectives:

  • Examine and discuss the development of phonological awareness starting in Pre-K through elementary school.
  • Analyze and understand the connection between phonemes and graphemes as they guide children from phonics instruction to upper grade level reading proficiency through use of the Science of Reading.
  • Apply best evidence-based practices for teaching decoding skills as they support fluency and reading comprehension.
  • Understand how to implement AI tools to assist in lesson planning.

Hours: 10

Teaching The Big 6 Literacy Strands: Grades K-5
Teacher Professional Learning

Course Objectives:

  • Examine the Six Literacy Strands, or "The Big 6".
  • Analyze evidence-based practices for planning instruction around The Big 6.
  • Design curricula around The Big 6.
  • Apply best evidence-based practices for immediate classroom implementation.

Hours: 10

Family Literacy Engagement
Teacher Professional Learning

Course Objectives:

  • Discuss and confirm importance of family involvement in a child’s academic success as rooted in the Science of Reading. 
  • Analyze and apply evidence-based parent engagement and participation activities both inside and outside of the classroom as they align to the Science of Reading. 
  • Design and plan activities and programs that engage families in the literacy success of their children.

Hours: 10

The Science of Reading in Grades PK-6
Teacher Professional Learning

Course Objectives:

  • Examine and discuss the science of reading pedagogy in grades PK through 6.
  • Analyze applicable evidence-based classroom practices aligned to the science of reading.
  • Adopt and adapt a multi-sensory curriculum that integrates evidence-based teaching practices.
  • Align assessment practices to SOR initiatives.

Hours: 10